152 publications found.
- type: Book part
- theme: Europe as an Area of Economic and Social Regulation
- Verklaringen voor etnocentrisme de rol van sociaal kapitaal, sociaal economische onzekerheid, sociale integratie en gevoelens van discriminatie. Een verkenning Book part
- Modes de scrutin et sociétés Book part
- Italy and the Idea of Europe Book part
- L’étude des partis politiques en Europe centrale Introduction Book part
- Consolidation démocratique, partis et clivages en Europe centrale et orientale Book part
- The Role of the European Parliament in Europe’s Integration and Parliamentarization Process Book part
- Judicial Cooperation Between the United States and Europe An Overview of Issues Book part
- French Republicanism and European Law Book part
- "Présentation" Book part
- Suing at the Place of Infringement Pursuant to Article 5(3) of the Brussels I Regulation Book part
- L'Europe, laboratoire de droit global ? Book part
- Chronique de la ratification du Traité établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe. De la Lituanie à la France a Unifying Perception on Europe Book part
- Conclusions Book part
- "Drivers of Interregional Cooperation: The Rise and Consolidation of a European Rule of Law Regime” Book part
- Studying European discourses Book part