152 publications found.
- type: Book part
- theme: Europe as an Area of Economic and Social Regulation
- Drumul spre Uniunea Europeana. : procesul de europenizare in Romania Book part
- The Vanishing Promise of a More 'Social' Europe: public services before and after the debt crisis Quo Vadis Social Europe Book part
- Traité de Lisbonne : l’Europe à marche contenue Book part
- The Nice Treaty reform the Role of the Council Book part
- Socialdemocrazia, politica economica e tendenze corporatiste da Weimar al compromesso svedese Book part
- Three European Constitutionalisms and their Respective Legitimacy Requirements Explaining the longue durée stability of the EU polity Book part
- Quality provision in the European postal market Book part
- Le parti et le gouvernement les socialistes de la libération aux Golden Sixties Book part
- L'anticommunisme comme instrument de mobilisation du parti socialiste belge de 1945 à 1954 Book part
- Un cas de peur du rouge chez les rouges ? Les réactions dans le parti communiste de Belgique face à la scission grippiste Book part
- Les partis de gauche à l’Est social-démocratie ou nouvelle gauche Book part
- I socialisti francesi di fronte alla Communità europea (1988-1992) Book part
- Le parti communiste de Belgique face aux Communautés européennes Book part
- The Lisbon Agenda and European Governance Preparing Europe for Globalization Book part
- Governance and government in the EU the open method of coordination Book part