41 publications found.
- type: Report
- "Europe: your choice: five options for tomorrow's Europe" Report
- Belgium country report on measures to combat discrimination: 2015 Report
- Supranational rights litigation, implementation and the domestic impact of Strasbourg Court jurisprudence a case study of France Report
- Résumé analytique de la transposition de la directive sur l’égalité de traitement sans distinction de race. Etat actuel en Belgique Report
- Rapport de droit comparé relatif à l'extériorisation des signes d'appartenance religieuse dans les pays de l'Union européenne Report
- Internal border controls in the Schengen area Is Schengen crisis-proof? Report
- Towards a balance between right to equality and fundamental rights A la recherche d’un équilibre entre le droit à l’égalité et d’autres droits fondamentaux Report
- Impact de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme sur l’émergence d’un contentieux stratégique et la promotion de réformes nationales Report
- Transposition of Directive 2000/43/CE, implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment Between Persons Irrespective of Racial or Ethnic Origin Report
- Réguler l’Internet Report
- Anti-gender mobilization : European issue. Report on the meeting II Report
- Towards A New EU Legal Framework for Data Protection and Privacy Report
- Evaluating current and forthcoming proposals on JHA databases and a smart borders system at EU external borders Report
- Developing an EU Internal Security Strategy, Fighting Terrorism and Organised Crime Report
- Critical Assessment of the existing European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision Report