« Concordia in Discord : Europeanization and European integration »

This chapter identifies new ways to conceptualize the interplay between Europeanization and European integration. The core argument can be summarized as follows: the existing literature suggests that while European integration advances, and opportunities for agency change, structures nevertheless remain resilient. It follows that Europeanization is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for structural change. While European integration has made a leap forward, Europeanization has remained limited to the strategies of particular actors, leaving national structures intact. Europeanization is gradual, incremental, and cumulative. Yet, both in times of tranquillity and in times of crisis, Europeanization can soon find itself interrupted or reshaped. As a result, incremental Europeanization gives rise to contention, which in turn can lead to actors demanding either increased or decreased supranational governance.
Type | Book part |
Identificateur | info:ulb-repo/set/1#30263 |
Language | En |
Themes |
Discipline(s) |
Publisher | Palgrave |
Publication date | 2015 |
Keywords |
ULB Institutional Reference | http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/160116 |