Europe’s Defence Dimension and the UN

Olsson Christian, Davidshofer Stephan

In the EU’s declaratory policy, the EU-UN relationship is presented as a ‘natural partnership’, as a part of the ‘added value’ that the EU brings to the UN. However, the reality is more complex. Closer analysis reveals UN rhetoric in ‘European crisis management’, mainly in its military aspects. It would therefore appear that the legitimising of Europe’s defence dimension has in large part benefited from UN impetus in a context where the use of military force was not taken for granted—was even something of a taboo subject—within the architecture of European security. This leads us to question the nature of Europe’s emerging defence dimension.

Type Article
Identificateur urn:issn:1950-3253
Language en
Length 120 128
  • Europe in the World
  • Science politique générale
Publication date 2009-02-15
  • UN
  • ESDP
  • Crisis management
ULB Institutional Reference