De impact van kieskringgrotte op de geografische vertegenwoordiging in België. Een onderzoek bij de federale en regionale verkiezingen van 2003 en 2004

Pilet Jean-Benoît, Wauters Bram, Fiers Stefaan, Delwit Pascal

The issue of territorial representation is at the very heart of many studies about elections under majority rule. As concerns PR systems, representation is most of the time associated with social and political representation, but hardly with geographical representation. This lack of interest for territorial diversity in PR systems is rather surprising as in most PR countries the legislator took the geographical dimension into account by opting for subnational constituencies (except in the Netherlands and Israel). In order to bring territorial representation in PR systems on the research agenda, this article investigates the relation between district magnitude and the territorial profile of candidates and elected politicians. The aim is to verify whether smaller districts lead to candidates and MPs with a stronger local anchorage and whether in larger constituencies candidates and deputies have a more national stance.

Type Article
Identificateur urn:issn:1379-5732
Language nl
Length 243 257
  • Europe as an Area of Economic and Social Regulation
  • Europe as a Community of Norms and Values
  • Institutions internes des états
  • Institutions politiques comparées
  • Partis politiques groupes de pression
  • Science politique générale
  • Systèmes électoraux et consultatifs
Publication date 2007
  • district magnitude
  • Belgium
  • Elections
  • Candidates
ULB Institutional Reference