A Paradise for LGBT Rights ? The Paradox of Belgium

Paternotte David, Eeckhout Bart

How is it that a small country such as Belgium, with its reputation of relative conservatism, has jumped to the forefront of LGBT-friendly nations when it comes to the extension of rights to, and implementation of government policies for, its LGBT population? The analysis offered here focuses on a combination of six causes: the impact of wider secularization processes; the political history and culture of the country; the organization of especially the Flemish LGBT movement and reasons for its political effectiveness; mainstream social trends in national scapegoating hierarchies; the overall media environment; and the window of opportunity opened by the political landslide of 1999.

Type Article
Identificateur urn:issn:0091-8369
Language en
Length 1057 1083
  • Europe as a Community of Norms and Values
  • Sciences sociales
Publication date 2011
  • SCOPUS: ar.j
  • Belgium, LGBT rights, history, political science
ULB Institutional Reference http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/97350