Beyond the pro/anti-Europe divide: Diverging views of Europe within EU institutions

Brack Nathalie, Costa Olivier

Beyond the pro/anti-Europe divide: Diverging views of Europe within EU institutions

This general introduction aims at explaining the rationale behind this special issue. EU institutions have long been seen as bastions for Europhile actors and they indeed seem to have, over time, promoted further European integration. This pro-integration bias is here examined through the analysis of three interrelated factors: ideas, interests and institutional logics. But this introduction also shows that there have been diverging views of Europe among EU elites and therefore we argue that it is necessary to explore these views and their impact on EU institutions but also to go beyond the binary pro/anti-Europe divide. It exposes the main research questions that structure the special issue and briefly presents the different articles.

Type Article
Identificateur urn:issn:E225141
Language En
Length 101 111
  • Europe as a Community of Norms and Values
  • Intégration et coopération européenne
  • Science politique générale
Publication date 2012
  • European integration
  • Euroscepticism
  • Legitimacy
  • Elites
ULB Institutional Reference